Shawna Nemesia Rebello
Don Bosco Green Alliance
Is a Subject Matter Consultant - Environment for two faith-based organisations, viz. the Commission for Ecology of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) and the Archdiocesan Office for Environment of the Archdiocese of Bombay where her key responsibilities are content development, content verification, organising and conducting training and awareness sessions on environment and sustainability.
She has completed her M.Sc. in Environmental Science, was a University gold medalist at the completion of her M. Tech. in Health, Safety and Environment; part of her M. Tech. project was published as "Greenhouse Gases Life Cycle Assessment for Evaluation of Composting as Selected Management Technique of Food and Garden Waste Generated at an Indian Metropolitan Transport Hub".
In 2021, she was appointed as Special Projects Executive of the Don Bosco Green Alliance where she coordinates the functioning of the Schools Working Group of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform (LSAP) spearheaded by the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development.
She qualified the National Eligibility Test for Lectureship with Junior Research Fellowship conducted by the University Grants Commission (UGC-NET) in 2017 and is a Visiting Faculty at the Post-Graduate Department of Environmental Science of SIES College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, India.